Freitag, 2. August 2013

Deistige Giganten des Konservatismus - Teil VIII

Geistig zurückgebliebene Radikalinskis wie Palin und Bachmann, sowie bösartige ultrarechte Demagogen und Lügner wie Rubio und Ryan sind für die Wähler aus der Mitte einfach zu extrem.

Andererseits vertreiben die wenigen verbliebenen Republikaner, die noch halbwegs zurechnungsfähig sind – wie zum Beispiel der neue Verteidigungsminister Chuck Hagel oder der einstige Hoffnungsträger Chris Christie (jetzt mit Magenband! Er wird also 2016 kandidieren) - die fanatisierten Teebeutler von den Urnen.

Schwer vorstellbar, daß sich demnächst eine republikanische Führungsfigur finden läßt, die wie einst Ronald Reagan das ganze GOP-Spektrum abdeckt.
Das Spektrum ist nämlich breiter und bunter geworden.

Langfristig wird eine zerfasernde GOP die Mehrheitsfähigkeit verlieren und den Demokraten wieder Mehrheiten in beiden Kongresskammern ermöglichen.
Sie könnten sich dann auch wieder ein bißchen nach links orientieren – so wie es sich die Basis wünscht.

Dann könnte es wieder voran gehen in Amerika.
Insofern bin ich froh über jeden rechtsextrem-religiösen Spinner im GOP-Lager, der sich und seine Partei mehr ins Aus schießt.

Der achte geistige Gigant des Konservatismus (GGK), den ich in dieser neuen Reihe vorstellen möchte bringt alles mit, das man sich von einem amerikanischen Fundi wünscht:
Matthew Hagee ist stramm konservativ, Texaner und evangelikaler Prediger.

Er hat aber insbesondere den richtigen Vater; nämlich den legendären John Charles Hagee (73), den Gründer und Chefprediger der Texanischen  Cornerstone Mega-Church in San Antonio, Texas, die jede Woche von über 20.000 fanatisierten Mitglieder besucht wird. Matthew ist das Viertjüngste von fünf Kindern aus Johns zweiter Ehe.
(Seine erste Ehe wurde nach 15 Jahren geschieden. So viel zum Thema Heiliges Gelübde) 
Die Hagees kontrollieren auch ihre eigene Sendeanstalt Global Evangelism Television (GETV). 420.000 Irren gefällt John Hagees Facebook-Auftritt.
Hagee is the President and CEO of John Hagee Ministries, which telecasts his national radio and television ministry carried in the United States on 10 TV networks including 62 high-power stations aired to more than 150 million households. He is shown on networks around the globe such as: The Inspiration Network (INSP), Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), and Inspiration Now TV. John Hagee Ministries is in Canada on the Miracle Channel and CTS and can be seen in Africa, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and in every nation of the world. Hagee is the founder and National Chairman of the Christian-Zionist organization Christians United for Israel, incorporated on February 7, 2006.

Die GETV ist eine „NONPROFIT“-Gesellschaft, mit der die Hagees aber richtig viel Profit machen.
According to income tax statements that GETV filed with the Internal Revenue Service, the nonprofit organization drew $18.3 million in revenue in 2001, the most recent year the organization submitted a return to the IRS. That year, Hagee's total compensation package amounted to more than $1.25 million.
Like most nonprofit organizations, GETV is obligated to disclose its finances by making IRS income tax statements, called 990 forms, available to the public. In return for complying, it isn't required to pay income taxes on revenue, business and operation taxes and property taxes. It also receives a discount on bulk mailing.
And it is also able to sell products tax-free and at a 50 percent profit because selling religious books, tapes and albums fits within GETV's broadly stated mission, which is to "spread the gospel of Jesus Christ."   According to the 990 forms for GETV, the organization in 2001 netted $12.3 million from donations, $4.8 million in profit from the sales of books and tapes, and an additional $1.1 million from various other sources, including rental income.   As the nonprofit organization's president, Hagee drew $540,000 in compensation, as well as an additional $302,005 in compensation for his position as president of Cornerstone Church, according to GETV's tax statements.
He also received $411,561 in benefits from GETV, including contributions to a retirement package for highly paid executives the IRS calls a "rabbi trust," so named because the first beneficiary of such an irrevocable trust was a rabbi.
The John Hagee Rabbi Trust includes a $2.1 million 7,969-acre ranch outside Brackettville, with five lodges, including a "main lodge" and a gun locker. It also includes a manager's house, a smokehouse, a skeet range and three barns.
Taken together, his payment package, $842,005 in compensation and $414,485 in benefits, was one of the highest, if not the highest, pay package for a nonprofit director in the San Antonio area in 2001.
[…]  In addition, Hagee's compensation was among the highest pay packages for television evangelists in 2001, according to IRS 990 filings.
 […]   Hagee and his wife are listed in the Bexar County Appraisal District database as owners of their six-bedroom, 5,275-square-foot house in one of San Antonio's most exclusive gated communities, The Dominion. The house, similar in architectural style to the building at Cornerstone Church - classical Greek revival and white with tall pillars reaching from the ground to the roof - is appraised at $688,900.
Hagee wasn't the only one making money from the enterprise. Diana Hagee received compensation of $67,907 as vice president of GETV and $58,813 as the special events director for Cornerstone Church.
Their son, Matthew Hagee, 24, received a compensation of $10,288 for his role as a director at GETV. And according to the 990 form, one of his daughters earned a salary for serving as the director of publications for GETV.
Der Geistige Gigant des Konservatismus Nummer VIII (GGK8) Matthew kann also mit einem beträchtlichen Erbe wuchern.

Zu Hause hatte er Gelegenheit die krudesten und menschenverachtendsten Ansichten zu verinnerlichen: Schwulenhass, Antisemitismus und Antizionismus sowieso - aber als Spezialität hassen die Hagees ganz besonders die Katholiken.
In nun schon sechster Generation hetzen die evangelikalen Extremisten gegen Liberale, Ungläubige, Bürgerrechtler und alles, das nicht in ihr fundamental-biblisches Weltbild passt. Der GGK8 hat selbstverständlich auch schon wieder drei Bälger ausgebrütet – die Dynastie wird also fortleben – sofern Klein John-William nicht schwul wird.
Pastor Matthew Hagee - Executive Pastor Cornerstone Church
Pastor Matthew Charles Hagee is the sixth generation in the Hagee family to carry the mantel of Gospel ministry.
He serves as the Executive Pastor of the 19,000 member Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas where he partners with his father, founder Pastor John Hagee. Pastor Matthew Hagee’s teachings are telecast over world-wide television through John Hagee Ministries. He is fervently committed to preaching all the Gospel to all the world and to every generation.
Pastor Matthew is a graduate of Oral Roberts University. He is an accomplished vocalist and is the author of “Shaken, Not Shattered” published by Strang Communications.
Pastor Matthew and his wife Kendal are blessed with three children, Hannah Rose, John William and Joel Charles.   As their family and ministry grow, Pastor Matthew and Kendal have a desire to minister and equip the church of tomorrow.  Together they seek to fulfill their divine destiny with the passion and purpose that can only come from the power of family tradition and the anointed call of God on their lives.

Wie jeder evangelikale Megachurch-Betreiber, verdienen die Hagees Millionen mit dem Erweckungsschrott, den sie über ihre Homepage zum Kauf anbieten.
Für nur 62 Britische Pfund (= 95 Euro) kann man beispielsweise die „Isreal-Revealed“-DVD erwerben. Ein echter Schnapp.
Israel is located at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea. Despite its small size, it is home to many of the world's most significant architectural structures and ancient geographical landmarks.
In this 14-part series, you will learn details about Israel’s rich history and the meaning behind the sacred sites found within her gates. “Israel Revealed” allows you to experience the sermons of Pastors John and Matthew Hagee, taught as JHM toured through the Holy Land.

Der junge Hagee gewinnt den Titel als GGK8 wegen seiner bahnbrechenden Erkenntnis über die Homoehe.
Same-sex-marriage zu verachten sei eine Frage der Erziehung, erklärte der gestriegelte Matt.
Over the July 4 holiday weekend, Matthew Hagee delivered a sermon in which he attacked the Supreme Court over its DOMA ruling, outraged that, as a result, "newspapers carried cover pages with homosexual couples kissing on the front page, requiring parents to explain to their young children why two people would engage in such behavior."
Hagee went on to warn that there was an attempt underway to undermine faith, family, and education because people of faith know that Supreme Court rulings are only legitimate to the extent to which they agree with the Bible and because "people who are educated cannot look at two men married and say that that's right"
(Kyle Mantyla 01.08.13)

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